of the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
17, 2018
meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President William Aycock.
Aycock, David Nickel, Ben Cerwinske, Helen Auer, Michelle Morin,
Chris Avison, Gary Johnson, Brian Gebhart, and Amber Wilde
motion to accept the distributed agenda was carried unanimously.
motion to accept the previous minutes written and submitted by Chris
Avison, as presented, was carried unanimously.
motion to accept the treasurer’s report by Sharon E. Hoggatt was
carried unanimously.
of Library Report
presented by Library Director, Amber Wilde.
Trivia project went well. A unique trophy was acquired. It is kept
at the last venue along with a picture of the winning team until the
next event. Prizes to date are logo mugs and notepads. Friends of
the Library are encouraged to attend.
Library Week was celebrated with snacks in the library, which went
down well.
5k run was unfortunately snowed out as the route was deemed unsafe.
About 25 runners preregistered so it was potentially a success.
Time with Santa was considered a success, with Friends funding books
as givaways.
Reach program was considered a success, with the Friends providing
readers to first graders with a book for each child.
sponsored speakers from the Humanities Council in conjunction with
the Spearfish Opera House. The theme was Pioneer Women and was
staged as a Brown Bag event at the Opera House.
year's Summer Reading Program theme was music. Materials and prizes
were provided by the Friends. About 450 children participated.
the 11 library staff, 6 are new since March, so the library has been
busy bringing them up to speed.
circulation has been stable, but digital participation has been
of the Endowment Fund Report presented by Ben
$64,931.31 + a $12,000 cash investment from the Friends current
account in a
Sale Committee Report presented
by Chris Avison
book sales are held quarterly, with a permanent book sale wall in the
library. The Friends assist the library in sale setup and breakdown,
plus packing unsold books to World Books who recycle them at no
charge to us for sale or donation to needy libraries etc.
Committee Report presented by Chairperson
Helen Auer
Books were presented to all first-grade students at
West Elementary School. Friends readers enjoyed reading to the kids
as always. The funds are available to continue this program for years
to come, and it is much appreciated. A letter of appreciation was
received from one class.
Aycock recommended forming a Friends Publicity Committee to get the
word out about our contributions to the library and community. Anyone
interested should contact William.
need input on a Friends of the Library logo. A derivative of the new
library logo has been recommended so that the two are related.
Friends have a Facebook page up and running (search for: Friends of
Grace Balloch Memorial Library). Chris Avison is keeping it updated,
along with the related web blog page at
. Chris agreed to monitor the library pages weekly to reflect
Friends-related events on the Friends' pages. We need more people to
look at the sites and “like” the Facebook page.
Projects for 2018
Friends Group – This project is slow to take off, but will be
of the Library Trivia Night – This project is working well.
Additional Friends participation would be appreciated.
chili cook-off table was taken by the Friends at very short notice
yesterday. The feeling is that it was good publicity for the
Wilde expressed interest in a monthly coffee time sponsored and
staffed by the Friends, so people who are interested can find out
more about us and what we do, in an informal setting.
of Officers for 2018
of officers for consideration:
– Brian Gebhart
President (Publicity) – Dave Nickel
President (Operations) - William Aycock
– Chris Avison
– Sharon Hoggatt
motion to elect the above officers was carried unanimously.
of Endowment Committee member Ben
Cerwinske was appointed to a 3-year term
on the endowment committee.
from the floor
Avison recognized Shayna Monnens and Stephanie Brewer for obtaining
State Certification as reported in the Black Hills Pioneer.
Congratulations were expressed by all present.
to adjourn the meeting was carried unanimously.
respectfully submitted by
Friends of
the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2016
The meeting was called to
order at 5:00 p.m. by President William Aycock.
William Aycock, David Nickel,
Andy Black, Ben Cerwinske, Helen Auer, Alyce Shavone, Chris Avison, Gary
Johnson, Wanda Johnson, Lennis Larson and Amber Wilde
Moved by Lennis Larson and
seconded by Gary Johnson to accept minutes of previous minutes --written and
submitted by Carmen Dolen – as presented. Motion carried.
Moved by Gary Johnson and
seconded by Helen Auer to accept report by Sharon E. Hoggatt. Motion
State of Library Report presented by Library
Director Amber Wilde
Audio Visual
Collection 6, 779
Print Materials
Digital 17,497
Population served
Borrowers 8,306
Loans for 2015
The Black Hills Library
Consortium has been working to get operational as a region-wide consortium with
a common catalog under Koha and a shared collection. It is now established as a
501c3 organization.
Friends of the Library
supported activities:
Story Time with
The Big Read 2016
National Library
Summer Reading
community-wide collaboration is planned for a Big Read in 2018.
State of the Endowment Fund Report presented by Chairperson Helen Auer
The Endowment Fund
Committee met with the SD Community Foundation during the course of the past
year but were not convinced it was an appropriate place for the funds at this
time. Instead the group did research to find the highest possible interest
rates and have placed the majority of the funds in a long-term CD at Black
Hills Federal Credit Union.
Reach Committee Report presented by Chairperson Helen Auer
Books were presented to all first-grade students and classrooms. Volunteers
enjoyed reading to the kids as always. The funds are available to continue this
program for years to come, and it is much appreciated.
Book Sale Committee Report presented by William Aycock
Book sales are very
successful continuing to bring in a continuous stream of funds. The permanent
wall of book sale is a huge help in increasing sales. The basement is often
overflowing with donations.
Other standing committees
William Aycock reported
that there is a need for members for the proposed membership and
publicity/social media committees.
William Aycock reported
that the logo has been put on hold to coincide with the library seeking out an
updated logo. There is potential for collaborating on this, so Amber will be
keeping the Friends in the loop on this progress.
The Friends has a Facebook
page up and running. Volunteers are needed to make regular updates to the page.
New Projects for 2017
Dave Nickel suggested the
need for continued publicity via signage in the library and information sent to
the Black Hills Pioneer.
Amber Wilde requested that
the projector purchased by the Friends for in-library use be approved for check
out to the public since there is great demand for this and it is no longer
compatible with the computer the library is using for
their presentations anyway, so a new device will be purchased using technology
funds available to the library. Moved by Helen Auer and seconded by David
Nickel. Motion carried.
Amber Wilde informed the
Friends of a desire to consider a Junior Friends program for tweens and teens
that would allow them to get involved and help the library and become honorary
junior Friends of the library. At this time, no specific plans exist, but the
membership was interested in the project and indicated the librarians should
proceed with gathering ideas and report back.
Bylaws change
The Endowment Committee
requested consideration of the following change due to the fact that as the
fund is still growing to the required $100,000 there is very little action to
take as a committee throughout the year. They will continue to meet at least
twice a year to monitor the account and its progress and can call a special
meeting as needed to discuss anything that may come up.
ByLaws of Friends of Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Article VIII: Elected Committee: Endowment Fund:
D: Meetings:
Reads: The Committee shall meet at least quarterly
Change: The Committee shall meet at least twice per year.
Moved by Gary Johnson and
seconded by David Nickel. Motion carried.
Election of Officers for 2017
Slate of officers for
President – William Aycock
Vice President – Dave
Secretary – Chris Avison
Treasurer – Sharon Hoggatt
Moved by Helen Auer and
seconded by Gary Johnson. Motion carried.
Election of Endowment Committee member – Helen
(reelected for an additional 3-year
Moved by Gary Johnson and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried
Moved by David Nickel and
seconded by Helen Auer to adjourn meeting.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by
Amber Wilde
on behalf of Carmen Dolen
Friends of
the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2015
Meeting at 5:35 p.m. by
President William Aycock.
William Aycock, David Nickel,
Carmen Dolen, Andy Black, Helen Auer and Amber Wilde
Moved by Dave Nickel and
seconded by Ben Cerwinske to accept minutes of previous minutes --written and
submitted by Melissa Dempsey -as read with minor corrections. Motion carried.
Moved by Dave Nickel and
seconded by Helen Auer to accept report by Sharon E. Hoggatt.
Cash balance as of October
15, 2015: $7,390.92. Motion
State of Library Report presented by Library
Director Amber Wilde
Audio Visual
Collection 6, 762
Print Materials
Digital 25,096
Population served
Borrowers 7,821
Loans for 2014
Newly acquired Koha - an open source integrated
library system - available to public on November 2, 2015.
Three new kid friendly computers-
purchased with additional support provided by Doris Shipley Trust- currently
available to the public.
Friends of the Library
supported activities:
Story Time with
National Library
Summer Reading
Thursday Local
Puppet Show
(every other year)
New Final Party
for Tweens
Presentation of
bike to winner of Summer Reading Program
Big Read Program
with partner Matthews Opera House (upcoming in 2016)
State of the Endowment Fund Report presented by Chairperson Helen Auer
Balance: $64,322.93
Committee seeking advice
from South Dakota Community Foundation to discuss strategies for increase in
yield of current investments.
New Project for 2016: Amber Wilde
suggestion to improve and increase all facets of publicity for library and
Friends of Library. Moved by Dave Nickel and seconded by Andy Black: Motion carried.
Election of Officers for 2016
President – William Aycock
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried
Vice President –
Joint service by Dave Nickel and Andy
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Carmen Dolen. Motion carried
Secretary – Carmen Dolen
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried.
Treasurer – Sharon Hoggatt
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Carmen Dolen. Motion carried
Election of Endowment Committee member – Ben Cerwinske
for 3 year term
(to replace Dave Nickel who just
completed his term)
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried
William Aycock addressed
the need for more volunteers in all areas and preparation for quarterly book
sale. Daily sales have increased. The transport
of books from basement to main floor and the restricted use of basement for
sales serve as a continued hindrance.
Efforts to implement
Facebook Page continue. Carmen Dolen
will meet with Amber Wilde and discuss issues regarding plan for implementation
of a Facebook page.
Logo artwork ideas were submitted
by Carmen Dolen. Efforts to choose
design options will come in the near future.
Helen Auer recognized Shayna
Monnens, Youth Services Librarian, for receiving the New Librarian of the Year
award at the South Dakota Library Association annual conference in Rapid City
in September of 2015.
Dave Nickel continues to
be impressed by library staff and services and Carmen Dolen praised Amber Wilde
for her continued efforts as Director of the library.
Moved by Carmen Dolen and
seconded by Dave Nickel to adjourn meeting.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by
Carmen Dolen
2014 Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
October 30, 2014
Meeting Notes
William Aycock, Judy Larson, Lennis Larson, Helen Auer, Carmen Dolen, David Nickel, John Popowski, Pat Popowski, Ben Cerwinske, Frances Phillips, Aleatha Balo, Amber Wilde, and Melissa Dempsey
1735: William Aycock called the meeting to order.
Minutes from the 2013 Annual meeting were approved.
Moved: David Nickel Seconded: Lennis Larson
Approved Unanimously
Treasurer’s Report: Approved
Moved: David Nickel Seconded: Fran Phillips
1. Questions from the Treasurer’s Report:
How to get the most money for the endowment fund.
· Usually get a $500 endowment from the Heffner Family.
· Donations from members
· Main money comes from donation from members during the holidays.
2. Discussed increasing the amount for dues to help with the endowment fund.
State of the Library
· Given by Amber Wilde
o Collections declined to make room for new books
o Library serves a population of 24,81 with 7,496 borrowers
o 139,503 total loans in 2013. This number is up from 2012 because now can count online loans.
o In 2015, library will be getting a new computer system.
Therefore; cleaning out files and purging this year in preparation.
**This is the library’s focus for 2015.**
o 2014 Activites:
A. New kids furniture
B. Two computers- now up to 10 computers and scanner for the public
C. Storytime with Santa- Friends of Library helped to provide paperback books for the kids that were passed out during this activity.
D. National Library Week: Friends of the Library provided funds for treats for patrons during this week
E. 2014 Summer Reading Program: Friends of the Library provided funds to help with supplies. Also had Science Steve (from PBS), Zinghoppers, and Light & Color HOP exhibit as part of summer reading program activities. Summer program winners received smaller science related projects as prizes.
o Browsing Baskets recently arrived. Browsing Baskets were approved use of Friends of the Library funds in the 2013 annual meeting.
Question: How many people in the county use the library?
Answer: Count is in the hundreds. These patrons pay $20 a year to use the library.
**William Aycock discussed the positives of volunteering to help the library staff and can see how much they do.**
Endowment Fund
· Fund has about $60,000
· Endowment is not touched until it has $100,000 in it.
· Try to come up with an Endowment Recognition Form
· Question: Can members attend endowment meeting?
· The current chair of this committee can no longer be the chair. Amber asked the group if someone(s) is interested in being the new chair of this committee.
Motion: David Nickel Seconded: Helen Auer & John Popsy
Passed unanimously
New Committee Members Election
Chair (1 year term): Helen Auer (promotion from member to chair)
Member (3 year term): Lennis Larson
Member (1 year term): David Nickel
Motion: Alietha Balo Seconded: Carmen Dolen
Passed unanimously
New Business
· Welcome new members and potential Friends
Executive committee has updated the Friends of Library list and in encouraging new members for emails.
Looking for ways to expand and get new members & to reach college students.
Looking at posting book sales at BHSU library.
Volunteering for the book sale is a way to seen the diversity of books donated to the library.
· REACH Program: Helen Auer
Helen reads to First Grade classes, gives children a book, and a few books for the school library.
Volunteers to read to the classes comes from a combination of Friends of the Library and Queen City Literacy Council.
**On the Program committee, and sign up if interested to help with REACH.
· Question about getting announcements. Some members were not getting email or mailings.
Answer: Check in with William Aycock on updated address.
· Publicity: Library Staff is doing a great job on getting the work out for Friends of the Library events.
· Looking for a member to help with the selling of old and rare books that are donated. These books need to be organized and the money raised from the selling would go towards the endowment fund.
· Trying to develop a new decal or button to update & modernize the bookplate and add some color. Improve the bookmark with Friends of the Library information.
· Continue to have Friends “preview” night at quarterly book sales on Wednesday s.
Ideas on creating more publicity and getting new members:
o Lennis Larson had an idea to see how much it costs to put an ad on the digital sign at Jackson & Main intersection for Friends events and other library programs.
o Carmen Dolen had an idea to develop a Friends of the Library Facebook page.
o Another idea to talk to the radio station in Deadwood or SDPB for posting of Friends events.
o KOTA- with storytime with Santa during Zonta Festival with Trees.
o Check with Jennifer at City of Spearfish Utilities to see if there is a Spearfish Welcome Wagon.
o Idea to do a booth at different festivals or Downtown Friday Nights with Friends volunteering.
· Lennis Larson asked if there had been any movement for a “Little Free Library” in Spearfish. Lions Club is looking for a project.
Thought was to start with three to five boxes in Spearfish. Library receives plenty of books to donate to the boxes.
Election of Officers:
President: William Aycock (willing to stay)
Vice-President: David Nickel
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: Sharon
Motioned: Amber Wilde Seconded: Alietha Balo
Passed unanimously
Note: Carmen Dolen is interested in Secretary position, not ready to commit. (as of 10/30/2014)
2014 meeting was adjourned at 1845.
Motioned: David Nickel Seconded: Carmen Dolen
Passed unanimously
/s/ Melissa Dempsey
2014 Friends Secretary
Friends of the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
October 18th, 2012
The regular meeting of the Friends of the Grace Balloch Memorial Library was called to order at 5:32 p.m. on Thursday, October 18th in the library meeting room by Lennis Larson.
Jane Carlstrom, Gae Koski, Ben Henry, Carol Henry, Helen Auer, David Nickel, Janelle Jones, Rosalie Aslesen, Judy Larson, Lennis Larson, Stephanie Brewer, William Aycock & Amber Wilde.
A. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Dave and seconded by Ben to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved as distributed. The friends currently have $5,224.24 cash on hand.
C. Old Business
I. State of the Library
Library Director, Amber Wilde, gave the State of the Library Report. The library currently owns 8,792 A/V items, 63,640 print materials & 10,377 digital titles (not including the South Dakota Titles to go collection). The library serves a population of 24,614, has 9,741 registered borrowers and had a total of 133,675 loans last year. The collection numbers are not really increasing because the library shelving is almost at capacity so the staff continues to weed out outdated material and replace it with newer, fresher items. The registered borrowers did not grow significantly due to a cleanup of inactive records but the amount of loans continues to grow.
The big change this year was the addition of Shayna Monnens as Children’s/Reference Librarian. She is very energetic and has spruced up the Teen area and added a manga collection and started a manga club to get teens more involved. The library once again participated in the Optimist Club Home Show. The Summer Reading Program had a larger turnout this year for teens and adults due to the prizes the Friends sponsored (Kindle Fire for adults & Bloggie video camera for the teens). The Friends also sponsored One Book South Dakota.
II. Endowment Fund Report
Carol Henry gave the endowment fund report. This year $2,115 was added to the fund. The current balance is $57,477.94
III. Library History Project
The library history booklet has been distributed at the library for free this year with an endowment fund bookmark in it. It has been very well received and there are still copies available.
IV. Website
The website is up and running. The address is There is a link on the library’s webpage to the friends’ page also. Stephanie also said that you can subscribe to the blog to receive email alerts when it is updated.
D. New Business
I. Queen City Literacy Council
The Queen City Literacy Council disbanded in June and donated their remaining checking balance of $2,713.07 to the Friends. The literacy council was hoping the Friends could take on some of the projects they had done, mainly the REACH program, which distributes books to the first graders each year. The other project they had done was giving each baby born at the Spearfish hospital a board book. There was much discussion on the REACH program. Amber said that the $2,713.07 would fund that project for 2-3 years and there was a possibility of additional funding if we continue it. Helen said that usually they go to classrooms in one day in the fall and it takes only takes a few hours to prep the books beforehand. It was suggested that since it is getting late in the year that the distribution could be moved to spring and tied in with the summer reading program. It was moved by Janelle and seconded by Gae to take on the REACH program. Motion carried. Helen Auer volunteered to talk to the teachers and arrange a time for it to take place.
The Hospital was discussed and was found to be very costly. Amber said that a list of recommended titles for children similar to the growth charts from the state would have been very useful as a new parent. We could make one in house and have the Friends’ information on it. Stephanie pointed out that the doctor into already hand out board books at Well Baby visits. It was moved by Dave and seconded by Gae to allocate $500 to print a recommend reading list to be distributed in the new baby bags at the hospital. Motion carried.
II. New projects for 2013
Amber requested that Friends purchase a refrigerator for the library. Currently they just have a dorm fridge so there is no place to store refreshments when that library has events. She estimated the cost at around $400. Rosalie moved and Jane seconded that $400 be allocated for the purchase of a new refrigerator.
Amber wanted to make sure everyone was aware that 2013 is the 125th anniversary of Spearfish. September is when the main celebration is but the library is planning on doing events throughout the year including lectures, displays and possibly a photograph scanning event.
III. Valuable book procedure
The Friends receive book donations throughout the year and some of the books are quite old and possibly valuable. Amber wants a suggestion how to handle these possibly valuable books rather than selling them in a $5 bag at the book sale. Helen said there is a gentleman in Deadwood that will sell the books online for an 18% commission plus any fees that the website charges. She will get Amber his information.
IV. Election Officers for 2013
Dave volunteered to by Vice President. No one offered to be President. Lennis said he will do one more term and then someone else will have to be President. William agreed to be secretary. It was moved by Helen and seconded by Amber to elect the officers as follows:
President – Lennis Larson
Vice President – Dave Nickel
Secretary – William Aycock
Treasurer – Sharon Hoggatt
Motion passed.
V. Election of Endowment Committee member
It was moved by Amber and seconded by Gae that Carol Henry be reelected to the endowment committee. Motion passed.
IV. Business from the floor
William wondered what we currently do to promote the endowment fund. Currently we have bookmarks in the history pamphlet, a brochure on the counter at the library and have distributed brochures to the funeral homes and the trust officer at Pioneer Bank and Trust. It was suggested to distribute the brochures local lawyers, the other banks with trust officers and possibly get some information published in the newspaper.
Helen moved that the profits from the valuable books sold through a second party such as eBay, Amazon, or a book dealer of some type be placed in the endowment fund. William seconded and the motion passed.
It was moved by Stephanie and seconded by Helen to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by Lennis Larson.
Minutes submitted by: Stephanie Brewer
of the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
17, 2018
meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President William Aycock.
Aycock, David Nickel, Ben Cerwinske, Helen Auer, Michelle Morin,
Chris Avison, Gary Johnson, Brian Gebhart, and Amber Wilde
motion to accept the distributed agenda was carried unanimously.
motion to accept the previous minutes written and submitted by Chris
Avison, as presented, was carried unanimously.
motion to accept the treasurer’s report by Sharon E. Hoggatt was
carried unanimously.
of Library Report
presented by Library Director, Amber Wilde.
- The Trivia project went well. A unique trophy was acquired. It is kept at the last venue along with a picture of the winning team until the next event. Prizes to date are logo mugs and notepads. Friends of the Library are encouraged to attend.
- National Library Week was celebrated with snacks in the library, which went down well.
- The 5k run was unfortunately snowed out as the route was deemed unsafe. About 25 runners preregistered so it was potentially a success.
- Story Time with Santa was considered a success, with Friends funding books as givaways.
- The Reach program was considered a success, with the Friends providing readers to first graders with a book for each child.
- We sponsored speakers from the Humanities Council in conjunction with the Spearfish Opera House. The theme was Pioneer Women and was staged as a Brown Bag event at the Opera House.
- This year's Summer Reading Program theme was music. Materials and prizes were provided by the Friends. About 450 children participated.
- Of the 11 library staff, 6 are new since March, so the library has been busy bringing them up to speed.
- Library circulation has been stable, but digital participation has been increasing.
of the Endowment Fund Report presented by Ben
$64,931.31 + a $12,000 cash investment from the Friends current
account in a
Sale Committee Report presented
by Chris Avison
book sales are held quarterly, with a permanent book sale wall in the
library. The Friends assist the library in sale setup and breakdown,
plus packing unsold books to World Books who recycle them at no
charge to us for sale or donation to needy libraries etc.
Committee Report presented by Chairperson
Helen Auer
Books were presented to all first-grade students at West Elementary School. Friends readers enjoyed reading to the kids as always. The funds are available to continue this program for years to come, and it is much appreciated. A letter of appreciation was received from one class.
Books were presented to all first-grade students at West Elementary School. Friends readers enjoyed reading to the kids as always. The funds are available to continue this program for years to come, and it is much appreciated. A letter of appreciation was received from one class.
Aycock recommended forming a Friends Publicity Committee to get the
word out about our contributions to the library and community. Anyone
interested should contact William.
need input on a Friends of the Library logo. A derivative of the new
library logo has been recommended so that the two are related.
Friends have a Facebook page up and running (search for: Friends of
Grace Balloch Memorial Library). Chris Avison is keeping it updated,
along with the related web blog page at
. Chris agreed to monitor the library pages weekly to reflect
Friends-related events on the Friends' pages. We need more people to
look at the sites and “like” the Facebook page.
Projects for 2018
- Teen Friends Group – This project is slow to take off, but will be continued.
- Friends of the Library Trivia Night – This project is working well. Additional Friends participation would be appreciated.
- A chili cook-off table was taken by the Friends at very short notice yesterday. The feeling is that it was good publicity for the Friends.
- Amber Wilde expressed interest in a monthly coffee time sponsored and staffed by the Friends, so people who are interested can find out more about us and what we do, in an informal setting.
of Officers for 2018
of officers for consideration:
– Brian Gebhart
President (Publicity) – Dave Nickel
President (Operations) - William Aycock
– Chris Avison
– Sharon Hoggatt
motion to elect the above officers was carried unanimously.
of Endowment Committee member Ben
Cerwinske was appointed to a 3-year term
on the endowment committee.
from the floor
Avison recognized Shayna Monnens and Stephanie Brewer for obtaining
State Certification as reported in the Black Hills Pioneer.
Congratulations were expressed by all present.
to adjourn the meeting was carried unanimously.
respectfully submitted by
Friends of the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2016
The meeting was called to
order at 5:00 p.m. by President William Aycock.
William Aycock, David Nickel,
Andy Black, Ben Cerwinske, Helen Auer, Alyce Shavone, Chris Avison, Gary
Johnson, Wanda Johnson, Lennis Larson and Amber Wilde
Moved by Lennis Larson and
seconded by Gary Johnson to accept minutes of previous minutes --written and
submitted by Carmen Dolen – as presented. Motion carried.
Moved by Gary Johnson and
seconded by Helen Auer to accept report by Sharon E. Hoggatt. Motion
State of Library Report presented by Library
Director Amber Wilde
Audio Visual
Collection 6, 779
Print Materials
Digital 17,497
Population served
Borrowers 8,306
Loans for 2015
The Black Hills Library
Consortium has been working to get operational as a region-wide consortium with
a common catalog under Koha and a shared collection. It is now established as a
501c3 organization.
Friends of the Library
supported activities:
Story Time with
The Big Read 2016
National Library
Summer Reading
community-wide collaboration is planned for a Big Read in 2018.
State of the Endowment Fund Report presented by Chairperson Helen Auer
The Endowment Fund
Committee met with the SD Community Foundation during the course of the past
year but were not convinced it was an appropriate place for the funds at this
time. Instead the group did research to find the highest possible interest
rates and have placed the majority of the funds in a long-term CD at Black
Hills Federal Credit Union.
Reach Committee Report presented by Chairperson Helen Auer
Books were presented to all first-grade students and classrooms. Volunteers enjoyed reading to the kids as always. The funds are available to continue this program for years to come, and it is much appreciated.
Books were presented to all first-grade students and classrooms. Volunteers enjoyed reading to the kids as always. The funds are available to continue this program for years to come, and it is much appreciated.
Book Sale Committee Report presented by William Aycock
Book sales are very
successful continuing to bring in a continuous stream of funds. The permanent
wall of book sale is a huge help in increasing sales. The basement is often
overflowing with donations.
Other standing committees
William Aycock reported
that there is a need for members for the proposed membership and
publicity/social media committees.
William Aycock reported
that the logo has been put on hold to coincide with the library seeking out an
updated logo. There is potential for collaborating on this, so Amber will be
keeping the Friends in the loop on this progress.
The Friends has a Facebook
page up and running. Volunteers are needed to make regular updates to the page.
New Projects for 2017
Dave Nickel suggested the
need for continued publicity via signage in the library and information sent to
the Black Hills Pioneer.
Amber Wilde requested that
the projector purchased by the Friends for in-library use be approved for check
out to the public since there is great demand for this and it is no longer
compatible with the computer the library is using for
their presentations anyway, so a new device will be purchased using technology
funds available to the library. Moved by Helen Auer and seconded by David
Nickel. Motion carried.
Amber Wilde informed the
Friends of a desire to consider a Junior Friends program for tweens and teens
that would allow them to get involved and help the library and become honorary
junior Friends of the library. At this time, no specific plans exist, but the
membership was interested in the project and indicated the librarians should
proceed with gathering ideas and report back.
Bylaws change
The Endowment Committee
requested consideration of the following change due to the fact that as the
fund is still growing to the required $100,000 there is very little action to
take as a committee throughout the year. They will continue to meet at least
twice a year to monitor the account and its progress and can call a special
meeting as needed to discuss anything that may come up.
ByLaws of Friends of Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Article VIII: Elected Committee: Endowment Fund: D: Meetings: Currently Reads: The Committee shall meet at least quarterly Proposed Change: The Committee shall meet at least twice per year.
Article VIII: Elected Committee: Endowment Fund: D: Meetings: Currently Reads: The Committee shall meet at least quarterly Proposed Change: The Committee shall meet at least twice per year.
Moved by Gary Johnson and
seconded by David Nickel. Motion carried.
Election of Officers for 2017
Slate of officers for
President – William Aycock
Vice President – Dave
Secretary – Chris Avison
Treasurer – Sharon Hoggatt
Moved by Helen Auer and
seconded by Gary Johnson. Motion carried.
Election of Endowment Committee member – Helen
(reelected for an additional 3-year term)
(reelected for an additional 3-year term)
Moved by Gary Johnson and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried
Moved by David Nickel and
seconded by Helen Auer to adjourn meeting.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by
Amber Wilde
on behalf of Carmen Dolen
Friends of the Grace Balloch Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2015
Meeting at 5:35 p.m. by
President William Aycock.
William Aycock, David Nickel,
Carmen Dolen, Andy Black, Helen Auer and Amber Wilde
Moved by Dave Nickel and
seconded by Ben Cerwinske to accept minutes of previous minutes --written and
submitted by Melissa Dempsey -as read with minor corrections. Motion carried.
Moved by Dave Nickel and
seconded by Helen Auer to accept report by Sharon E. Hoggatt.
Cash balance as of October
15, 2015: $7,390.92. Motion
State of Library Report presented by Library
Director Amber Wilde
Audio Visual
Collection 6, 762
Print Materials
Digital 25,096
Population served
Borrowers 7,821
Loans for 2014
Newly acquired Koha - an open source integrated
library system - available to public on November 2, 2015.
Three new kid friendly computers-
purchased with additional support provided by Doris Shipley Trust- currently
available to the public.
Friends of the Library
supported activities:
Story Time with
National Library
Summer Reading
Thursday Local
Puppet Show
(every other year)
New Final Party
for Tweens
Presentation of
bike to winner of Summer Reading Program
Big Read Program
with partner Matthews Opera House (upcoming in 2016)
State of the Endowment Fund Report presented by Chairperson Helen Auer
Balance: $64,322.93
Committee seeking advice
from South Dakota Community Foundation to discuss strategies for increase in
yield of current investments.
New Project for 2016: Amber Wilde
suggestion to improve and increase all facets of publicity for library and
Friends of Library. Moved by Dave Nickel and seconded by Andy Black: Motion carried.
Election of Officers for 2016
President – William Aycock
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried
Vice President –
Joint service by Dave Nickel and Andy
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Carmen Dolen. Motion carried
Secretary – Carmen Dolen
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried.
Treasurer – Sharon Hoggatt
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Carmen Dolen. Motion carried
Election of Endowment Committee member – Ben Cerwinske
for 3 year term
(to replace Dave Nickel who just completed his term)
(to replace Dave Nickel who just completed his term)
Moved by Amber Wilde and
seconded by Dave Nickel. Motion carried
William Aycock addressed
the need for more volunteers in all areas and preparation for quarterly book
sale. Daily sales have increased. The transport
of books from basement to main floor and the restricted use of basement for
sales serve as a continued hindrance.
Efforts to implement
Facebook Page continue. Carmen Dolen
will meet with Amber Wilde and discuss issues regarding plan for implementation
of a Facebook page.
Logo artwork ideas were submitted
by Carmen Dolen. Efforts to choose
design options will come in the near future.
Helen Auer recognized Shayna
Monnens, Youth Services Librarian, for receiving the New Librarian of the Year
award at the South Dakota Library Association annual conference in Rapid City
in September of 2015.
Dave Nickel continues to
be impressed by library staff and services and Carmen Dolen praised Amber Wilde
for her continued efforts as Director of the library.
Moved by Carmen Dolen and
seconded by Dave Nickel to adjourn meeting.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by
Carmen Dolen
2014 Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
October 30, 2014
Meeting Notes
William Aycock, Judy Larson, Lennis Larson, Helen Auer, Carmen Dolen, David Nickel, John Popowski, Pat Popowski, Ben Cerwinske, Frances Phillips, Aleatha Balo, Amber Wilde, and Melissa Dempsey
1735: William Aycock called the meeting to order.
Minutes from the 2013 Annual meeting were approved.
Moved: David Nickel Seconded: Lennis Larson
Approved Unanimously
Treasurer’s Report: Approved
Moved: David Nickel Seconded: Fran Phillips
1. Questions from the Treasurer’s Report:
How to get the most money for the endowment fund.
· Usually get a $500 endowment from the Heffner Family.
· Donations from members
· Main money comes from donation from members during the holidays.
2. Discussed increasing the amount for dues to help with the endowment fund.
State of the Library
· Given by Amber Wilde
o Collections declined to make room for new books
o Library serves a population of 24,81 with 7,496 borrowers
o 139,503 total loans in 2013. This number is up from 2012 because now can count online loans.
o In 2015, library will be getting a new computer system.
Therefore; cleaning out files and purging this year in preparation.
**This is the library’s focus for 2015.**
o 2014 Activites:
A. New kids furniture
B. Two computers- now up to 10 computers and scanner for the public
C. Storytime with Santa- Friends of Library helped to provide paperback books for the kids that were passed out during this activity.
D. National Library Week: Friends of the Library provided funds for treats for patrons during this week
E. 2014 Summer Reading Program: Friends of the Library provided funds to help with supplies. Also had Science Steve (from PBS), Zinghoppers, and Light & Color HOP exhibit as part of summer reading program activities. Summer program winners received smaller science related projects as prizes.
o Browsing Baskets recently arrived. Browsing Baskets were approved use of Friends of the Library funds in the 2013 annual meeting.
Question: How many people in the county use the library?
Answer: Count is in the hundreds. These patrons pay $20 a year to use the library.
**William Aycock discussed the positives of volunteering to help the library staff and can see how much they do.**
Endowment Fund
· Fund has about $60,000
· Endowment is not touched until it has $100,000 in it.
· Try to come up with an Endowment Recognition Form
· Question: Can members attend endowment meeting?
· The current chair of this committee can no longer be the chair. Amber asked the group if someone(s) is interested in being the new chair of this committee.
Motion: David Nickel Seconded: Helen Auer & John Popsy
Passed unanimously
New Committee Members Election
Chair (1 year term): Helen Auer (promotion from member to chair)
Member (3 year term): Lennis Larson
Member (1 year term): David Nickel
Motion: Alietha Balo Seconded: Carmen Dolen
Passed unanimously
New Business
· Welcome new members and potential Friends
Executive committee has updated the Friends of Library list and in encouraging new members for emails.
Looking for ways to expand and get new members & to reach college students.
Looking at posting book sales at BHSU library.
Volunteering for the book sale is a way to seen the diversity of books donated to the library.
· REACH Program: Helen Auer
Helen reads to First Grade classes, gives children a book, and a few books for the school library.
Volunteers to read to the classes comes from a combination of Friends of the Library and Queen City Literacy Council.
**On the Program committee, and sign up if interested to help with REACH.
· Question about getting announcements. Some members were not getting email or mailings.
Answer: Check in with William Aycock on updated address.
· Publicity: Library Staff is doing a great job on getting the work out for Friends of the Library events.
· Looking for a member to help with the selling of old and rare books that are donated. These books need to be organized and the money raised from the selling would go towards the endowment fund.
· Trying to develop a new decal or button to update & modernize the bookplate and add some color. Improve the bookmark with Friends of the Library information.
· Continue to have Friends “preview” night at quarterly book sales on Wednesday s.
Ideas on creating more publicity and getting new members:
o Lennis Larson had an idea to see how much it costs to put an ad on the digital sign at Jackson & Main intersection for Friends events and other library programs.
o Carmen Dolen had an idea to develop a Friends of the Library Facebook page.
o Another idea to talk to the radio station in Deadwood or SDPB for posting of Friends events.
o KOTA- with storytime with Santa during Zonta Festival with Trees.
o Check with Jennifer at City of Spearfish Utilities to see if there is a Spearfish Welcome Wagon.
o Idea to do a booth at different festivals or Downtown Friday Nights with Friends volunteering.
· Lennis Larson asked if there had been any movement for a “Little Free Library” in Spearfish. Lions Club is looking for a project.
Thought was to start with three to five boxes in Spearfish. Library receives plenty of books to donate to the boxes.
Election of Officers:
President: William Aycock (willing to stay)
Vice-President: David Nickel
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: Sharon
Motioned: Amber Wilde Seconded: Alietha Balo
Passed unanimously
Note: Carmen Dolen is interested in Secretary position, not ready to commit. (as of 10/30/2014)
2014 meeting was adjourned at 1845.
Motioned: David Nickel Seconded: Carmen Dolen
Passed unanimously
/s/ Melissa Dempsey
2014 Friends Secretary
October 18th, 2012
The big change this year was the addition of Shayna Monnens as Children’s/Reference Librarian. She is very energetic and has spruced up the Teen area and added a manga collection and started a manga club to get teens more involved. The library once again participated in the Optimist Club Home Show. The Summer Reading Program had a larger turnout this year for teens and adults due to the prizes the Friends sponsored (Kindle Fire for adults & Bloggie video camera for the teens). The Friends also sponsored One Book South Dakota.